Welcome to MinorVersion

This website has been under construction for a couple of weeks, even the domain name is up for debate, I had a few others in mind but this one won out!

My goal for this site is to have a place to write down my thoughts on various topics, and to have a place to share my knowledge with others. The site also exists to scratch an itch I've had to improve my writing skills!

Types of Content

I have big dreams, but little time. So what types of content am I interested in having on MinorVersion? And at what level of depth/complexity will these topics be covered?

Article Complexity

Note that for now, to allow me to write from beginner to more advanced levels, I will tag articles with a little box. This will allow the reader to pick and choose the depth of topic they may want to read.

Articles & Series

One of the first things I will be tackling is a short series on clean code in Python. This one is more aimed at beginners but may be of interest to many.

I hope to later tackle more in depth topics ranging from lesser known MC techniches such as Langevin MC, to discussing existing solutions to problems such as caching, concurrency and HPC.


Over my extremely short career I have met some truly incredibly individuals from industries ranging from cloud computing at AWS, to being CTOs of small startups and everything in between. I would love to interview them with a focus on a specific technical topic, and let them share their thoughts with the world through MinorVersion.

Commentary & Opinions

While I have had a short career, I still have some opinions here and there, and I'd like to share them! These range from my thoughts on premature optimization, to antipatterns, to the pains I have with Python dependency management.

What does the name mean?

The name is a play on the term "major version" in software engineering. A major version is a big change to a piece of software, for example, going from version 1.0 to 2.0. A minor version is a smaller change, for example, going from version 1.0 to 1.1.

Technical Details for the Nerds

This is a NextJS 13 site using the new fancy approuter. I use typescript and then just old-school CSS. If I were to make it again I'd use tailwind.

I use sendgrid for emails.

This site is hosted on vercel.

The blog posts are written in mdx and I use contentlayer to parse the mdx to JSON.

Images are AI generated and are all "original".

Some Cool Stuff

We dynamically fill most of the pages, blog pages are dynamically generated based on mdx articles in /posts/ along with metadata.

We also dynamically fill in the /topics/ pages.


Note that much of starting point of globals.css was taken from www.increment.com as I am no designer! I have since modified it significantly to meet my requirements.