Okay so the title might have been a little clickbaity as it clearly depends on what your loops are doing, how many iterations they go through and the answer to the titles question is not even related to loops! If you're willing to forgive the title let's try to figure out what in the heck is going on.


Let's write one Python program where the loop is not contained within a function (and call it out.py):

for i in range(100_000_000):

and the same program within a function (and call it in.py):

def f():
    for i in range(100_000_000):

We arbitrarily specified 100 million iterations, since the very clever author knows that this will result in single digit seconds of runtime. Let's run both our programs with the time utility:

 time python3 out.py
python3 out.py  2.54s user 0.01s system 99% cpu 2.557 total
 time python3 in.py
python3 in.py  1.08s user 0.01s system 99% cpu 1.097 total

Huh? Why is the exact same for loop written outside of a function twice as slow?! (Spoiler: it's related to scoping!)


If we dissasemble our code into bytecode for out.py we get:

  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (range)
              2 LOAD_CONST               0 (100000000)
              4 CALL_FUNCTION            1
              6 GET_ITER
        >>    8 FOR_ITER                 4 (to 18)
             10 STORE_NAME               1 (i)
             12 LOAD_NAME                1 (i)
             14 POP_TOP
             16 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            4 (to 8)
        >>   18 LOAD_CONST               1 (None)
             20 RETURN_VALUE

whereas for in.py we get:

  2           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (range)
              2 LOAD_CONST               1 (100000000)
              4 CALL_FUNCTION            1
              6 GET_ITER
        >>    8 FOR_ITER                 4 (to 18)
             10 STORE_FAST               0 (i)

  3          12 LOAD_FAST                0 (i)
             14 POP_TOP
             16 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            4 (to 8)

  2     >>   18 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             20 RETURN_VALUE

Let's highlight the differences, with green being in.py (loop inside the function f()) and red being out.py:

+ 2           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (range)
- 1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (range)
              2 LOAD_CONST               1 (100000000)
              4 CALL_FUNCTION            1
              6 GET_ITER
        >>    8 FOR_ITER                 4 (to 18)
+            10 STORE_FAST               0 (i)
-            10 STORE_NAME               1 (i)
+ 3          12 LOAD_FAST                0 (i)
-            12 LOAD_NAME                1 (i)
             14 POP_TOP
             16 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            4 (to 8)
  2     >>   18 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             20 RETURN_VALUE

Only three instructions differ! LOAD_GLOBAL instead of LOAD_NAME, STORE_FAST instead of STORE_NAME, and LOAD_FAST instead of LOAD_NAME. To those with a keen eye there is one more difference, the argument indices to LOAD_CONST (and a few other instructions) being 1 instead of 0. This has no impact on runtime. We can also ignore any differences outside of the for loop and only focus on instructions between bytes 8 and 16:

        >>    8 FOR_ITER                 4 (to 18)
+            10 STORE_FAST               0 (i)
-            10 STORE_NAME               1 (i)
+ 3          12 LOAD_FAST                0 (i)
-            12 LOAD_NAME                1 (i)
             14 POP_TOP
             16 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            4 (to 8)

where we perform a STORE and a LOAD operation, followed by popping the top item, the newly stored i, off the stack (as we don't use it).


Navigating to the Python docs for LOAD_FAST we are greeted with the following short explanation: Pushes a reference to the local co_varnames[var_num] onto the stack. Whereas with LOAD_NAME we are told: Pushes the value associated with co_names[namei] onto the stack.

Diving into the CPython source code we can find these in ceval.py: LOAD_NAME and LOAD_FAST. Even with zero knowledge of C one can quickly guess that LOAD_FAST, which has 5 lines of code, is faster than LOAD_NAME which has a hefty 60.

LOAD_FAST seems to call GETLOCAL, does a quick check that we actually got a value and then returns it:

PyObject *value = GETLOCAL(oparg);

We can also look at LOAD_NAME with all the error checking/raises removed:

    PyObject *name = GETITEM(names, oparg);
    PyObject *locals = LOCALS();
    PyObject *v;
    if (PyDict_CheckExact(locals)) {
        v = PyDict_GetItemWithError(locals, name);
        if (v != NULL) {
    else {
        v = PyObject_GetItem(locals, name);
    if (v == NULL) {
        v = PyDict_GetItemWithError(GLOBALS(), name);
        if (v != NULL) {
        else {
            if (PyDict_CheckExact(BUILTINS())) {
                v = PyDict_GetItemWithError(BUILTINS(), name);
            else {
                v = PyObject_GetItem(BUILTINS(), name);

Note that PyDict_GetItem and PyDict_GetItemWithError are very similar, with the former silencing errors for historical reasons and the latter raising them.

We can see that we call:

  1. name = GETITEM(names, oparg) as well as locals = LOCALS().
  2. if PyDict_CheckExact(locals) we call PyDict_GetItemWithError(locals, name) which tries to find name in locals.
  3. Otherwise we call PyObject_GetItem(locals, name).
  4. If at this point we still don't have a value, we call PyDict_GetItemWithError in the GLOBALS namespace.
  5. If we still don't have a value, we call PyDict_CheckExact in BUILTINS.
  6. We finally return the value

Rather than diving into these further, we can see that LOAD_NAME interfaces with various dictionaries to attempt to find your value, whereas LOAD_FAST has a single call to your GET_LOCAL with its argument value.

Compared to the global namespace which stores various pieces of data in dictionaries, functions store local variables in a fixed-sized array and are self-contained (unless the global keyword is used). This makes accesses much simpler since less things that can go wrong; no hashing or fancy implementations, only a simple pointer is required! The global namespace has to stay dynamic and handle the addition and removal of local variables at runtime, and therefore can't benefit from a fixed array.


This post is largely based on a talk from Anjana Vakil in EuroPython 2016 titled Exploring Python Bytecode as well as a StackOverflow post.